Sunday, March 2, 2008

Announcement: Banff Mountain Film Festival - March 4-5, 2008 @ NYC

Here's something special for NYC film lovers who also love mountain beauty: "Banff Mountain Film Festival".

I just heard that Chris and his NYC Film Lovers MeetUp Group (for local Movie Fans) will be getting together this week to attend the Banff Mountain Film Festival. Chris's MeetUp Group gets together twice a month to plan movie outings and discuss the hot movies of the month. This week you can join Chris and his meetup group to attend the Banff Mountain Film Festival and if you hurry and join Chris's group you might be able to get-in-on a discounted group ticket for the film fest - so surf on over and goto:

What: Banff Mountain Film Festival - New York
When: Tuesday, March 4 and Wednesday March 5, 2008 - 7:30 PM
Where: at the Peter Norton Symphony Space
2537 Broadway at 95th Street, New York , NY 10025
2537 Broadway at 95th Street, New York

Different films will be shown each night. See the film menu here:

"Who should come: Whether you are an experienced mountaineer or an armchair adventurer, come celebrate, share and find inspiration in these mountain experiences, ideas and visions."

Marla LaRue, editor "Hollywood on the Hudson BLOG"